Saturday, August 13, 2011

Self Portrait Reflection Journal

Inspiration pieces
For some reason I could not save the pictures that I viewed through Art project to my computer so I provided the links for them and names of the pieces, I’m sorry if this is in inconvenience to anyone

Self-Portrait as a Deaf Man, Sir Joshua Reynold (FROM TATE BRITAIN)

Portrait of William Style of Langley, School 17th century(FROM TATE BRITAIN)Artist School 17th Century

A Young Lady Aged 21, Possibly Helena Snakenborg, Later Marchioness of Northampton, British School 16th century (From Tate BRITAIN)

Create a reflection journal on your Blog and answer the following questions:
1. Why did you select the inspiration pieces?
To be honest this was a very large museum and using Art Project I was only able to find one self portrait so I decided to take what could conceivably be considered self portraits because the artists were unknown but made by British School between 16th and 17th century.

2. Why did you select the media to create your self-portrait?
Well I wasn’t going to get into trying to paint a self portrait.  I believe for this project it would be a good idea to keep things simple so I just used pencil to create a self portrait of myself because if I tried to get into too much detail the portrait wouldn’t look as good.  I did not feel comfortable taking a picture of myself and posting it online so if there is a problem with this let me know and I will email you a picture personally.

3. What challenges did you face in creating your self-portrait and how did you overcome them?
The eyes and nose were hard to get right but after some erasing and redrawing I settled for what I had done.

4. How does this piece represent you?
Considering this is a self portrait, this is what I believe myself to look like as shown by a mirror.

5. What elements and principles of art did you apply in this work?

6. Did you enjoy working on this project?
Yes I enjoyed the creating and drawing of the self portrait more than trying to find self portraits from a museum and trying to somehow seem inspired by these self portraits.  I was more so self-inspired to see how well I could do in creating a drawing that looked similar to myself.  I feel as though I have done a decent job.  The one thing I wanted to mention was that I didn’t’ really feel comfortable taking a picture of myself and posting it online because I feel like everyone’s sense of privacy in this day and age is deteriorating due in part to facebook and the internet.  So that’s why I chose not to submit a photo of myself.  If you want an idea of what I look at just look at my self-portrait drawing.  If you personally have a problem with this I will send you a picture of myself if you believe I just drew a random face.
7. What do you think of your final artwork?
I believe I did a good job considering I haven’t taken any art classes since about 7th grade. 

Answers to questions you may have:
• My portrait is realistic
• My choice of media is pencil
• My self-portait is done in 2-Dimensions

Link To My Self Portrait

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